Thursday, July 2, 2009

Underworld - Don Delillo (in part)

I’m breaking from tradition here and posting about this book when I’m only part way through, mainly because a couple of things have sparked my analytical/argumentative side.
“Bemoan technology all you want. It expands your self-esteem and connects you in your well-pressed suit to the things that slip through the world otherwise unperceived."
p. 89

Keep in mind this book was published in 1997.

“When JFK was shot, people went inside. We watched TV in dark rooms and talked on the phone with friends and relatives. We were all separate and alone. But when Thomson hit the homer, people rushed outside. People wanted to be together”
p. 94

Surely what really changed between these watershed moments was what made people feel like they are coming together? By watching TV and going inside to use the phone people were connecting just as much as they were when they were going outside, just with more geographically isolated communities?

I believe technology helps us change the way we interact, rather than reducing interaction overall.

Admittedly Delillo wrote this pre the social media explosion, but I still think the views presented here (in this fictional work) do not appreciate the different ways in which people feel connected.
And now to a sentence I simply enjoyed:
“College kids, gently unkempt”
p. 109

Watch this space for more. Up to page 311 of 827.

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