Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Off the beaten path

I’m the first to admit I’ve been in a bit of a professional writing rut this week. I’m supposed to be writing a comprehensive coverage on the women’s empowerment activities of my program. This excites me, or at least it should, for a few reasons.
1 – I’m mildly obsessed about women’s empowerment at the moment
2 – I’ve done all the field work and met a stack of women who have provided me with more content I could possibly use
3 – it’s going to get used organisation wide, and potentially even internationally if it’s up to scratch

Which is where I’ve come undone I think. I really want to do a good job on this, and know all the pieces are there in front of me, but it’s scaring me just a teensy bit.

Then I came across this great art exhibition on Violence Against Women

via jezebel

and have since spent all day doing what I should have been doing all week, which is to say, writing. Vowing to spend the rest of the week being disciplined.

Wish me luck!

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