Friday, June 5, 2009

Sex Trafficking In Asia - Louise Brown

"There is a horrible kind of circular logic in the attitudes to women in those societies that are the most repressive. Women have to be guarded from predatory males, or they have to be secluded so that the power of their sexuality does not tempt man. In Bangladesh this is sometimes cited as a justification for child marriage. It is portrayed as a kind of preventative measure against child abuse on the grounds that a young unmarried girl, by the simple fact of her existence, is a sufficient reason to incite a man to rape. Women are best kept in their place by fear. If they try to step out of their traditional roles they are considered fair game. Yet at the same time, while they remain in their traditional spheres, the system that oppresses them continues to be validated and confirmed."
p.39 Sex Trafficking in Asia – Louise Brown
"Prostitution should be condemned because it encapsulates the very worst of human failings: the exploitation of the weakest; the power of money; the superficiality of appearance; mens abuse of power; and the categorisation of women according to their sexual utility and their relationship to men".
p.247 Sex Trafficking in Asia – Louise Brown

I'm not going to comment much other than to say reading this book while living in Bangladesh, working in the area of women's empowerment, was incredibly confronting.

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