Wednesday, February 11, 2009

“Girls Are on the Davos Agenda…”

Feminism is a word that conjures up images of women with droopy boobs and hairy underarms waving placards written in their own menstrual blood. At least it does for me, and I’m female.

Am I a feminist? Can I be one and still wear my bra? Considering I spent $60 on it, I’m really not that keen on the idea of turning it into a torch. I want to shave my underarms and my legs, too. And while I’m being really, really honest, I also like it when men offer to carry my heavy bags for me. Maybe I’m not a feminist.

What I am, though, is overwhelmed at walking into villages and finding posters like this:

It makes me furious and I picture myself storming out into the center of town where I order each and every man there to stand in a corner and Take A Good Long Hard Look At Yourself! This would prompt waves of shame as men looked deep inside to discover that, oh, women are people too, and apologies would be broadcast alongside each call to prayer until it no longer became necessary for women to draw pictures to teach each other that It Is Not Ok For Him To Beat You Senseless!

Petty debates over the meanings and labels of being a feminist aside, I am desperately grateful for all those who have gone before me and paved the way for me to be the kind of woman I want to be: bra, brains and all.

Today I read this, which made me feel slightly better, but it’s such a long, long road…

Girls Are on the Davos Agenda... Before It's Even Started


Scott Rippon said...

Sorry my Bangla is a work in progress. I think I can guess what the poster is about but could you please translate the writing for me?


Lyrian said...

(my approximate) translation: "nari nijotton shamosha" or "women's violence problem"